Capacity Building & Consultancy
What we do

300 hectares in Ghana and 10 hectares in Leo, Bukina-Faso for mainly cassava but also cultivates maize, cowpea and soybean. The company also operates an out-grower scheme involving 20,000 farmers and 200 in Bukina-Faso

Processing facility in Wenchi has a 10MT/day capacity. Kintampo has an additional capacity of 20MT/day.

Amya is base in the bread basket of zone of West Africa to produce and market food mainly for the insecure countries of the Sahel. Warehouses in Kintampo and Ouagadougou

Soil research institute received a grant from the Alliance For Green Revolution In Afrique (AGRA) for the ADVANCING AGRICULTURE THROUGH UPSCALING OF INNOVATIVE SOIL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES IN GHANA
with Amya Agro Plus LTD and Savanna Agriculture Research Institute (SARI) as a subgrantee
It is within this context that Amya Agro Plus organized a workshop on Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) from 15th to 17th July 2024 at Viglosam Lodge Wenchi, Ghana with the 2020 Africa Food Price Dr Andre Bationo as a lead and Dr Fosu Mathias as a Facilitator of the activity

The training was attended by 32 participants and Amya Agro is particularly happy to report that 84 % of the participants evaluate this training very good to Excellent.

Conceptualization and Implementation of Large-scale agricultural projects
Amya Agro Plus Ltd is providing consultancy in the area of natural resources management with focus Integrated soil fertility management
- Management of large scale development agricultural projects.
- Up-scaling of soil health and climate smart agricultural technologies
- Baseline studies
- Market and value change analysis
- Plant nutrient management in irrigated rice production
- Green house mangement for high value vegetables production
- Agro business management mainly with cassava
- Improving plant nutrients use efficiently
- Natural resource management
- Good Agronomic practices and integrated soil fertility management
- Managing soil organic carbon
- Interaction between nutrients and water for sustainable crop
- Sources and management of Nitrogen fertilizers
- Sources and management of Phosphorus fertilizers
- Use of Phosphate and rocks as capital investment
- Climate smart technologies

- African Development Bank(AfDB)
- Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa(AGRA)
- Islamic Development Bank(IsDB)
- Government of Bukina Faso
- Department for International Development(DFID) from United Kingdom
Meet Our Team

We are increasing our productivity and planting more because of market offer by AMYA Agro Plus Limited

We believe that by working together we will create a more prosperous food and agribusiness economy that celebrates the provenance and innovation of West Africa

This is the best Agri-Business Firm in West Africa

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