AMYA Agro Plus Limited currently produces and processes cassava roots into Gari, Konkonte and ‘acheke’ for sale in Ghana and Burkina Faso

Cassava Cake

Cassava Cake is mostly can also be used in preparing acheke. It is a side dish made from cassava. This is prepared from fermented cassava pulp that has been grated or granulated.

Fortified Gari

The amount of protein in daily diet is very limited thus gari fortified with soybean products offers the chance to supply a relatively cheap improved starch staple that can improve family nutrition. Cassava roots were processed into gari using the conventional processing practice. Fortified gari is expected to help in the fight against malnutrition.

High Quality Cassava Flour

High quality cassava flour (HQCF) is simply unfermented cassava flour. It can be used for many bakery and pasta products. It can also be used as an alternative for starch and other imported materials such as wheat flour in a variety of industries in many countries in Africa.